Packed Lunches

Left over homemade chicken nuggets, sliced Hickory Farms beef stick, strawberries (and 1 dipped in dark chocolate for dessert) and pistachios.  I LOVE these ziploc plastic containers.  They're easy to pack and wash and are great for taking food to work (or school).
Organic blue chips, wrap (Whole wheat tortilla with peanut butter, granola, strawberries, and banana), peaches, grapes and left over sausage.

Rotisserie Chicken, 1 Slice of a baguette, organic french vanilla yogurt with strawberries & granola, and 70% dark chocolate.

Left over home-made chicken nuggets, strawberries, pineapple & zucchini slices (raw fruits & veggies).
Packed lunch: PBJ, grapes & strawberries and I added a small side salad that I ordered from work.  I use olive oil, but don't drench the salad.  Simple dip your fork in your dressing, then eat.
American Breakfast from work (Mel's Lone Star Lanes) and left over hamburger & pasta with grapes for lunch.

Left over home-made zucchini chips, home-made chicken nuggets, turkey, apple sauce, sugar snap peas, strawberries & a smoothie pop.
Strawberries, Grapes, Popcorn, String Cheese, Zucchini Slices & 1/2 a PBJ.

Homemade Chicken Nuggets, Yogurt Pretzels, Zucchini Slices & Strawberries.

Vanilla Yogurt, Turkey sliced from the deli, Peaches, Snap Peas & Yogurt Pretzels.

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