Monday, May 2, 2016

Spiritual Space

I attended a Priscilla Shirer simulcast this past weekend.  She always knows how to deliver a message (I highly suggest seeing her speak and/or reading her books.)  There were many take aways from this event, but one of my main learning nugget was:

"And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord." - Deuteronomy 8:3

I learned that I needed to be intentional about being in God's word.  No matter how little of time I might have, I need to be in his word. I needed a dedicated space not only be in his word, but to be prayerful.  Of course, you can do this anywhere, but I wanted a spiritual space.

Priscilla gave us some tools to work through His word better.  She referred to them as the 5 P's of Bible Study.
  1. POSITION yourself to hear from God.  You should come with an anticipation and an expectation of God.  Make sure there's silence and solitude to focus on the word.  (Again, I needed that spiritual space.)
  2. PORE over the passage and paraphrase the major points.
  3. PULL out the spiritual principles.  What does the passage mean?
  4. POSE the question.  
  5. PLAN obedience and pin down the date. 
Here's what mine looked like when reading through Deuteronomy 8:2-6 and using the bible study tactics from above:

v. 2: God will text us and see what we do.
v. 3: We will experience humility.  We do not live on food (bread) alone, but on God's word.
v. 4: Things that would normally change over 40 years didn't (clothing).
v. 5: We are God's children and he disciplines us, just as we are supposed to be disciplined in His word.
v. 6: He disciplines use because he loves us.  We are to walk in His word and fear him.

(pull - spiritual principle)
We must be disciplined in His word because that's what we spiritually live on.

Am I disciplined in the word of God?  Am I going deeper than surface level?

No matter how small, find time in the word of God.  Make room.  Be prayerful and be intentional.

So here's waht I got here.  This is my Spiritual Space and done on a budget.  I will give tips on how we did it.  Some of it we already had.  Look around your house for resources that you can either use differently, or that you haven't used in a while.

WHAT WE HAD:  We already had the chair.  It's from Ikea.  We have 6 at our dinning table and I just moved one upstairs.  The purple pillow is from the guest best set that's in the room.  The computer, the wicker boxes (Crate & Barrel) and the pen carousel we already had.

THE DESK:  It's called Linnmon from Ikea (click here).  We got  the table and 5 legs for $69.  This is a "corner" desk, they do have other options and leg options.  It's a mix and match type of set up.

DECOR: To add a pop of color I added the flower on the left.  The vase ($1.99) and sparkly beads int the vase ($1.99) are from Ikea.  We found the flowers at JoAnn's Fabrics.  (FYI there's a 60% and 40% off one item coupon on their website.)  You want to add a pop of color.

I look forward to using this Spiritual Space for reading the word, praying and working on bible studies.

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