Thursday, July 11, 2013


As I work on my food journey, I'm continuing my fitness journey.  I've joined Trauma Crossfit in Round Rock, TX about a month ago.  The first week I went I completed all of the exercises, but my recovery was awful.  I've never felt so sore in my life!  It's like the feeling you get when you get suck on the toilet because your quads and hamstrings are too sore to pull you up.  (Nice visual huh?)

It wasn't until one of the trainers, Nate, talked to me about scaling.  Pride and fear are two things that can get in your way and stop you from anything. But if you approach is smart and correctly, especially for your personal benefit and body type, you'll succeed.  So I started doing the exercises at the reps and weights that was appropriate for me.  It's not about "copping" out or "taking it easy".  You still do the hardest you can do.

Thursdays are the hardest days physically.  WOD in the CrossFit world stands for Workout Of the Day.   Today's WOD:

20 Deadlifts
400m run
20 Kettlebell Swings
400m run
20 Over head squats
400m run
20 Burpees
400m run
20 Chest to bar (pull ups)
400m run
20 Box Jumps
400m run
20 Kettlebell Squat Cleans
400m run

See a trend anyone?  I completed this WOD in 35:08.  I completed the deadlifts with 125 lbs. and the overhead squats with 55 lbs.  It was a good solid sweat with weights and cardio.  I would suggest everyone to just try CrossFit but definitely give it 2 weeks and make sure your trainers are doing what's right for your body.

After my workouts I enjoy chocolate milk.  My college soccer coach said it was the best thing to drink after a workout because it's the best mix of proteins and carbohydrates that your body needs to replace after a workout. (see article here)  My nutritional therapist says "it's just full of sugar."  I'm not willing to give up chocolate milk just yet.

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